Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Sad Day




So today was a very sad day for me. My dog Buster was put to sleep this afternoon at 4:00. He had been my companion for the past 15 years. What a hard decision to make, but ultimately I believe that it was the right one. Tonight for the first time in 16 years I do not have a doggie sleeping in my room. Keith and I often play with Matthew by pretending to "fake cry", this afternoon when Keith left with my Buster I was crying and Matthew was laughing away thinking I was playing a game with him. When he finally realized that it wasn't a fake cry, he said "Mommy, stop tearing, stop tearing" then he proceeded to go into the kitchen, get a napkin and come back and wipe my face. Wow how that helped!

On a lighter note, I am hoping to meet with Drew tomorrow barring any unforeseen mishaps and HOPEFULLY we can get my site up and running. Check back soon!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Official...

Ok - it is apparent that I am not the best blogger....but I am gonna try harder to keep up with this. There is surely something that I can be consistant with, right? Have had a couple of busy weeks. Two Mondays ago, I had a little car accident, thanks and praise to God that I was not hurt and the kids and Keith weren't with me. That same afternoon when I picked Kendall up from school they said that she had fallen with her "boyfriend" Tyler and had me sign a little accident report. As the day worn on my motherly instinct told me that something wasn't right with her. A doctor visit and an X-ray confirmed that she had a broken collar bone. Again thanks and praise to God that is was not displaced and she just had to wear a brace and sling for a couple of weeks. After that she came down with an ear infection and has been sick for over a week. Then of course I got it. So good reasons to have not kept up with my blogging. And finally here we are well into Spring Break. I was worried about 5 full days with 2 kids that are constantly fighting, but it has been a pretty good week. We took a trip to Tampa on Monday with Grandma for lunch and some shopping, then to Lakeland's Common Ground Park on Tuesday and to Busch Gardens today.

I will be meeting with Drew (my website builder) tomorrow morning and I am hoping that the site will be up and running in the next few days. I am really excited, it is looking super cute.

Have finished up a couple of orders and have several waiting to be completed. Again thanks to God that I have steady orders coming in - not too many and not too few.

Check back soon, hope to have exciting news about my new site.
